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What Music means to me?

I believe that music is a Universal form of communication that bring people together via a wide range of different views and also backgrounds. Furthermore, the core ideology for a lot of genres of Music are shared despite the drastic Sonic differences such as Punk and Folk music a lot of the time being about telling stories and protesting against corruption. Examples of Punk songs that include this message are Rise Above my Black Flag and also Anarchy in the UK by Sex Pistols, additionally Folk Music that have the same message include A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall by Bob Dylan.

Why there needs to be challenging and boundary pushing Music. 

As previously stated, Music is a great form of getting ideas out and challenging current hierarchy however, I hold the opinion that sometimes Music can in of itself be establishment and cause issues with a lack of diverse range and intellectual discussion in a vast majority of Popular Music. I highly dislike the idea of only hearing one aspect of an opinion and or idea as it causes indoctrination and overall a prejudiced environment. As a result, my Music taste is to some very broad as I don't restrict myself to any Genre but instead I just enjoy (in my opinion) good Music. One of the bands I consider boundary pushing is the Experimental, Hip-Hop trio Death Grips. They not only challenge the listener but also themselves as each one of their albums has a very distinct and different sound compared to their previous. In a rare interview with Pitchfork lead Vocalist Stefan Burnett stated "We're not into lateral movement, just stepping side to side we want to move forward" this proves the commitment the band philosophy has towards progressing their Music beyond and not staying with the status quo. Other than the obvious, hard to listen to abrasive nature of a lot of Death Grips's Music, examples of them challenging their audience have be seen within a lot of their lyrics. In the song BB Poison Death Grips are directly referencing their Twitter handle @bbpoltergiest and discuss fan freak outs over meaningless events such as when they tweeted "It won't lit" and their overall give or take relationship with their fans. Additionally, Death Grips have collaborated with and or influenced Artists such a David Bowie, Bjork and even Robert Pattison. 

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